Saturday 15 October 2016

Moonis Elahi Opposes Adil Gillani's Appointment in Serbia

Adil Gillani's Appointment in Serbia

A senior official, on condition of anonymity has revealed the federal government is planning to appoint Adil Gillani famous for his 'favorable' survey reports since the formation of PMLN government, would be representing Pakistan as Ambassador to Serbia. 

Moonis Elahi has raised concerns over this 'favorable' appointment as non-career diplomats are in fact 'unfavorable' for the state. Nawaz Sharif is widely known to appoint corrupt people on key posts in organizations that may have the rights to keep a check on his performance. Upon pleasing their master Nawaz Sharif, these corrupt people are then rewarded by further appointments where they can travel abroad. This malpractice of PMLN results in creating further problems for the country.

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